Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Christianity Is Rigged!!!
So check this out. The "system" is totally rigged in our favor. For starters our Advocate is Jesus. That word advocate is actually a legal term we might more readily recognize as our lawyer. Now, who sent the lawyer? God did. That means the trial judge sent the lawyer, which just happens to be his son, to defend us. Oh, and did I mention, the lawyer and the judge are of the same mind. And lest I forget, the judge sent the lawyer to pay the penalty for our offense. In fact the judge sent the lawyer to pay for our crime before we even committed the act. Yes folks this system is totally rigged. Rigged in our favor.
Well then, as long as we have faith in this God and Advocate then the words of Romans 8 will always ring true. "I’m absolutely convinced that nothing—nothing living or dead, angelic or demonic, today or tomorrow, high or low, thinkable or unthinkable—absolutely nothing can get between us and God’s love because of the way that Jesus our Master has embraced us." The Message
"Mr. Jamey how am I gonna feed my kids?" April 2011
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Who Gathers At Your Door?
(This taken from Oklahoma Christian University's Bible reading plan : OC's 60 Day New Testament Plan)
Who Gathers At Your Door?
In Mark 1-5, Jesus has just begun his ministry; he is teaching, he is preaching, and he is healing. In chapter 1, we read that Jesus just had a long day of ministry. He taught in the synagogue, drove out an evil spirit, and then healed Simon's mother-in-law. I can only assume that after a day like that, Jesus was ready to sit and enjoy the meal that had been prepared for him, enjoy a little rest after a long day.
BUT, 1:33 “The whole town gathered at the door.” The sick, the demon possessed, the hopeless and hurting gathered at the door, because they knew that behind that door was healing, behind that door was help, behind that door was someone who cared, behind that door was hope. And Jesus went out and healed them.
Why do people gather at your door? Do they know you as a place to find help, hope and peace? Is there a village at your door? If not, maybe you need to take a play from Jesus' playbook: love your neighbor, bless the broken and help meet the needs of others around you.
Written By Hudson Hutchison
Staff Member, Oklahoma Christian University
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
State houses and family reunions
"Troublesome issues like divorce and homosexuality take on a different cast when you confront them not in a state legislature but in a family reunion. " Philip Yancey
I was privy to a conversation yesterday about how the "homosexuals are getting out of hand." The discussion was seasoned with phrases including "those people", "their kind", and "that bunch of degenerates." It reminded me of how I felt when I was going through a divorce many years ago. Phrases would be used that made me feel put into a category of people that were outside of the mainstream and it hurt.
The conversation also brought to mind the quote by Philip Yancey you just read. Whether you are accepting of same sex attraction or feel it is wrong one thing should always be kept in mind. Individual lives are directly impacted by what we do and say. Our words and our behavior matter.
I truly belive that many, if not most, of the conversations I described have good intentions. Those engaging in them want what's best for people and our society, but we must remember to think we're discussing people and not some idea that can't be hurt. If we're discussing policy consider speaking as if a close friend or family member experiences same sex attraction. Chances are that someone you know and love does, and you don't want to hurt them further by saying things that make them feel unloved by you. If you heard someone speaking about you in the same manner how would you feel?
Something to consider.
Friday, February 14, 2014
They showed me Jesus
Now I want to bring this down to an individual level. As one of the ministers I always felt it was my duty to stand for the truth and point out error where ever I encountered it. Much of my effort was put into finding fault with our sister congregation in town. One of their Elders, Don, was the target of some of my barbs because of his "liberal" stands on so many issues of the day. Our relationship was cordial, but strained due to my part of course. I tended to be harsh in our one on one discussions because that's what I was supposed to do right? Don on the other hand almost always had a kind spirit and a gentle word for me, and was a constant encourager. I found that frustrating and sometimes felt it contrived (it wasn't). In later years the same liberal congregation hired a new preacher, Jack, and he and I developed a very similar relationship to what I had with Don. They spent their time with me trying to gently and lovingly model a relationship with Jesus, and I spent my time with them trying to point out how they were breaking the contract in so many places. They loved me, and in my own way I loved them and we were friends really.
My time as a minister ended rather abruptly late in 1998 due to my marriage falling apart, which is a story unto itself. There were many rumors floating around about me, and as with rumors some of it was true and much of it was not. Don and Jack had no idea what really happened, but they did know Jesus and despite my attitudes toward them over the years, they individually reached out to me during what I look back on as the worst time of my life. They showed me love based on a relationship, and not based on contractual obligation.
As I look back over the last 27 years since I first met Don and then later Jack, I can't help but think about the many people that Jesus encountered and how he treated them. I think of great passages of scripture like Romans 14 that tell me to accept anyone who accepts Jesus even though we may have very strong differences, but mostly I think about these two men who have left this existence and how much they gave me. I certainly loved and appreciated them when they reached out to me during that dark time, but I'm even more mindful of what they did for me over a period of years, and how they modeled Jesus for me in ways that still profoundly impact my life today. I've unknowingly honored them and continued their work by becoming of lover of relationships rather than rules. Thank you my brothers. I miss you both!
Romans 14 from The Message (Oh how I would have gotten on to them for using this version back in the day.)